Earlier this year my wife started painting canvas shoes for children with cancer… She’s amazing my wife is, she’s really artistic and she doesn’t do it for any money or recognition (she doesn't know I'm writing this at the moment) She suffers herself from a debilitating illness called fibromyalgia, which means that she is constantly in pain, and yet she still manages to do this!

There is this charity called SUPERSHOES and children with cancer get the chance to write down their favourite things (characters, films, TV shows, Books, animals literally anything) and my wife gets sent a pair white converse and makes them look amazing!

I cant imagine how much this delights the children, and it really puts into perspective how lucky the majority of us are to have our health and our children’s health to find out more click HERE.

Then, a couple of weeks ago I met Father Christmas… The real one!

He doesn’t live in the North Pole, in fact he lives in Tamworth in the UK. His name is Rob, and he is a terrific bloke, let me tell you a bit about him.
He works as a children’s entertainer like myself throughout the year, but in the winter season he works as Father Christmas.
He finds disadvantaged children and raises money to buy them presents, and gives them an amazing experience.
On Christmas Day he delivers the presents, of course dressed head to toe as Father Christmas.
His charity is called Santa’s Little Helpers and you can find out about it HERE.
Anyway ,all this got me thinking… I do as much as I can for charity, gig wise, but its tricky for me to take on jobs for free or at a low cost to try and raise funds for a charity as this is my job and I too have a family, rent to pay bills etc.
So I thought I would try and do something myself, which costs me and you nothing and doesn’t take away loads of time from me on the busy days charity gigs are usually on Saturdays and Sundays.

This year I would like to try and give a little back. I am looking for children who have had a particularly tough year in Essex to surprise as Frostie the Elf with a magical elf visit in December.
Please contact me if you know who I can help and make their Christmas a little more special. You can contact me through my email magicfrosite@gmail.com on 07774838318 or drop me a message on my social media… Facebook.com/magicfrostie
Thank you for reading.