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Writer's picture: Magic FrostieMagic Frostie

Back in 2019 I used to have residencies in various restaurants and bars in London. There was only really one bar I felt comfortable performing in though, and that was Covent Garden's Bunga Bunga. I had places which were far posher, and for better money, but Bunga Bunga felt like home.I didn't realise at the time, but the reason I felt comfortable was because that place was the right fit for me. The circus cabaret and party atmosphere was (and is) exactly what I am all about.

As I say this was in 2019, before 'the incident.'

Magic with Salt!

When the global pandemic struck magic went a little quiet. The idea of 'close up' magic was ludicrous if you had to stay 2 meters away from the people you were performing to. I was jaded, as I went from zoom meeting to zoom meeting performing children's parties, I realised that I really didn't want to be doing close up magic anymore either, unless of course it was at Bunga Bunga. I'd have done anything to get those nights back, but alas, that were not to happen anytime soon.

And so as I closed down my laptop, from another Zoom Birthday Party, it got me thinking. What is it that I want to do. When all this is over, where do I want to perform? What is right for me?

The answer, and it's always been the answer, was to audiences from a stage, and so I pulled my socks up, got writing and when the opportunity arose I jumped into the holiday park scene. I loved it, and still do. Touring around the Haven holiday parks and putting on those shows are wonderful, and it forfills the need I have to perform, and what a need it is.

Frostie performs his show to packed out Hafyn Y Mor Holiday Park

So Close Up Magic, disappeared, vanished if you will! It was something I didn't want to do anymore, I had no need for it. Also I had always felt a fair amount of imposter syndrome about it too. It wasn't that I couldn't do it, I am a pretty good magician as far as being a sleight of hand artist goes, I'm a member of the world's most prestigious magic club The Magic Circle, but there is no denying that I'm silly, I believe magic is silly. It's fun. Daft. Irreverent. And there are friends of mine who go out and are incredibly serious about it. They wear the smartest clothes, they do after parties for last night of the proms, and perform magic to royalty... And then there is me. I dress daft, my hair's bonkers and I think magic is silly!

But then I had a job come in, and it changed the way I think. I became the lead entertainer for close up magic at Centre Paris in Woburn over November and December. I had a team of 4 other entertainers working under me, and I absolutely loved it.

I didn't dress up in the finest suits, in fact I wore a Christmas jumper and some trousers. I didn't have to be sensible, in fact I was being rewarded for doing it EXACTLY the way I do it! And so I have decided not to hide away something that, actually I am quite fond of. I've been going through my decks of cards, bottles of salt and silly socks to work on mind-blowing magic sets for close up, which suits me.

If you have an event and you are looking for a close up magician, I may not be the right fit for you, but I might be... I'll tell you if I don't think I am, and recommend one of my other magical friends instead. But if you are looking for something, fun, mind-blowing and a bit daft, then I probably AM the right fit for you...

And if you are Bunga Bunga in Covent Garden, and this happens to get to you, then I'd love to come home!



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